Real life badass pioneers, leaders, fighters, and scholars

Why did we decide to do this project?

We are all passionate about feminism and women's rights, but were also feeling frustrated with the lack of knowledge of amazing women in history who either made huge contributions to society or broke barriers.
Often times, history textbooks or schools graze over important women. We learned a lot through research for this project, and felt so surprised and upset to not have seen or heard pf all of the amazing things that women have done over time. Also, we wanted our website to cater to all ages and genders, so we made a game with different avatars and short, readable bios. Video games rarely have positive female role models, and when they do have women, they are often objectified or not "the better characters". Games have made strides towards improving this today, but we wanted to be able to our own game that has a story and helps you learn while playing with historical women.

Who are we?

We are a group of four rising junior and senior girls living in the bay area who love technology, games, and women's rights. Here are some of our hobbies! Ana loves art and tumblr, Maya loves reading and watching movies, Alana loves social justice and creative writing, and Nia loves video games and drawing. Alana and Maya designed and programmed the website from scratch with html, css, and javascript, while Ana and Nia were our game developpers and artists. All of the art you see in the game and on our sources page was done by their talented selves! We hope you enjoy our game and learn a lot from the bios!